Machinist's Calculator

Calculator for Machinists and CNC Programmers

Solve machine shop math problems quickly and easily with Machinist's Calculator software!!

Machinist's Caclulator launch page

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Touch an icon to go to the appropriate store.
Machinist's Calculator software for mobile devices has been developed to quickly solve trades math problems at a price every machinist can afford!
Also available for desktop PCs, laptops and netbooks.

After calculations are made, the data may be printed from the user's computer. The coordinates produced in the grid or bolt circle applications can also be copied to the clipboard for pasting into a text editor.

To download the free, fully functioning demo Windows PC version, go to the Machinist's Calculator web site on your Windows computer. Explore all of the Machinist's Calculator's time saving functions.You'll spend a lot less time leafing through reference books!

Once you're convinced that Machinist's Calculator will save you time (and money!), and make short work of many lookups and calculations in your shop, go to the Machinist's Calculator website on your pc, laptop or netbook to get directions on the various ways to purchase.

The price of Machinist's Calculator for PC is $25.00 (USD)
Go to our website on your Windows computer for purchase information.

(Also available as a part of EditCNC - the CNC programmer's text editor).